Issue#!, Vol. I Winter 2016-17 A Word Hardy Griffin *** Brane Mosetic, untitled, from Unfinished Sketches of a Revolution, Translated by Barbara Jursa *** Judd Teller, "Three Jewish Boys Write to an Ancient Chinese Poet" Translation and Commentary by Dror Abend-David *** Carmen Firan, "darkness reaches us," Translated by Adam J. Sorkin *** "It Don't Mean a Thing..." Conversations with Michael Kandel & "The Crowded Room": Conversation with Murat Nemet-Nejat with Bronwyn Mills *** Carmen Firan, "In Search of the Essence" an essay Translated by Alexandra Carides *** Marithelma Costa, "Celebration," Translated by Alfredo Villanueva Collado *** Murat Özyaşar, Three stories from the collection Yellow Laughter, Translated by Kate Ferguson *** Aziz Nesin, Excerpt from Yaşar Is Neither Living Nor Not Living, Translated by Hardy Griffin *** Contributors *** Back Issues or Back to Witty Partition |